Fishing Tips for Each Season

As the seasons change from one to the next, so too does fishing. The techniques you use during the summer, for instance, will not be the same as those in the spring. As such, you need to be prepared for these changes before you head out onto the water: 

Spring fishing Fishing Tips for Each Season

Don’t hop onto your boat on the first 60-degree day and expect a large catch. The water is still pretty cold, and it can take some time for the temperatures to rise enough for the fish to start coming out. It’s recommended that you wait at least a week after the first thaw before you start fishing. Once that day does come, you should head out in the afternoon or early evening, as this is when the water is warmest, and it’s also when the fish are eating.  

Summer fishing 

By summer, the water is sufficiently warm enough for the fish to start biting, but it can also be too warm. The late morning and early afternoon (roughly around noon, when the sun is at its peak) will be the warmest part of the day, and that’s when the fish disappear in search of deeper, cooler waters. It’s best, then, to do your fishing in the early morning or late afternoon/early evening once the temperatures have cooled off. 

Fall fishing 

The temperatures might be dropping off again in fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get in some good fishing before the snow starts. While early morning fishing is usually a no-go (as this is when it’s coldest), the rest of the day is all yours. Afternoon and early evening fall fishing is considered one of the best times of the year to fish, so take advantage of this while you can. 

No matter the season, we at Morning Flight Charters are always ready to get you out onto the water. Book your next fishing trip today either online or by phone at 207-831-2426!