The Best Bait for Saltwater Fishing

If you want the fish to bite, you need to have the right bait. After all, fishing is about fooling the fish, making them believe that your line is just a piece of prey. As such, you need to fool them not only by sight, but by taste as well. They will use their sense of taste to determine if something is edible. As such, your bait needs to be enticing enough for them to chomp down on it.

When it comes to saltwater fishing, a variety of live and cut baits will work for your needs:The Best Bait for Saltwater Fishing

Live bait

For saltwater fishing, live bait is usually your best bet. They’re harder to manage, though, so only expert anglers should be handling live bait. Crabs, used alongside your lightest hooks, leader, and line, is the best combination for saltwater fishing. Just make sure you don’t touch the bait too much before putting in onto the hook.

Cut bait

If you’re a beginner angler or simply not comfortable with the idea of using live bait, you can always turn to cut bait. In order to trick the fish into thinking the bait is prey, you want to keep your bait fresh and firm, with the eyes clear and the gills red. To keep it this way, we suggest freezing your bait in a vacuum-packed package and then, while you’re out on the water, keeping it on ice inside of a cooler.

You have a few choices when it comes to cut bait, including:

  • Clams
  • Mussels
  • Shrimp
  • Squid

Now that you’ve got your bait, it’s time to head out onto the water. At Morning Flight Charters, we have plenty of fishing trip options for you to choose from, so don’t wait, book your trip today!

3 Things to Consider When Buying a New Fishing Rod

Buying a new fishing rod is easier said than done. There are so many makes and models out there that you can feel overwhelmed at the sheer number of possibilities. To help you narrow down your choices, we’ve come up with the three main things you have to consider when buying a new fishing rod. 

Material 3 Things to Consider When Buying a New Fishing Rod

There are three main materials that fishing rods are made out of: fiberglass, graphite, and composite. Fiberglass is flexible and study—a great choice for beginners.; graphite is rigid and sensitive—best for advanced fishers; and composite is a combination of the two. As such, the material you choose will depend on what you want to get out of the rod. 


The action, or speed, of the rod determines its flexibility. A fast action rod is stiff and rigid, allowing you to detect any tugs or vibrations on the line. A slow action rod, meanwhile, is bendable and flexible, allowing you to get a better grip on a fish that may try to wriggle free of the hook. Think about your fishing style and the kind of fish that you’re trying to catch to determine what kind of action rod you need..  


Power is placed on a scale from heavy to light. It refers to the amount of pressure needed to make a rod bend. A heavy rod has more resistance, so it needs more pressure, while a light rod has less resistance and thus needs less pressure. If you’re trying to hook light-biting fish or if you’re using lighter lures, then a light powered rod would be the better choice. Conversely, heavier rods are best for heavier lures and fish.  

Once you’ve bought the best rod for your needs, it’s time to test it out on the water. At Morning Flight Charters, we have plenty of fishing trip options for you to choose from. Give us a call or book your trip today! 

When Is the Best Time to Go Saltwater Fishing?

Nature is a finicky thing. From the cycle of the moon to the time of day, many things can impact when and where the fish may appear on your next saltwater fishing trip. To find the best time to go saltwater fishing, you need to understand everything that could affect your area’s fishing conditions. Read on to learn more: 

Saltwater tides When Is the Best Time to Go Saltwater Fishing?

As anyone who has been around the water will know, the tides continuously fluctuate throughout the day. The way the tides are moving will impact where the fish may be, and when. Large amounts of water movement will stir up baitfish and crustaceans, attracting larger fish to the area. As such, the best time to go fishing is when there is a strong, incoming tide. You can consult the daily tide charts to determine when this might occur.  

Lunar phases 

Even if you’re not fishing during the night, the moon still affects the fish. Saltwater tides (see above) are stronger during a new and full moon, so it’s always best to fish during these times of the month. Additionally, if you are fishing at night, a full or new moon may be beneficial as there will be more light, which in turn attracts more fish. 

Time of day 

The actual time also matters for deciding on when to go fishing. In general, dawn or dusk is the best time to go saltwater fishing, as this is when the tides are strongest. 

Weather patterns 

If there is a warm or cold front moving in, then it’s time to head out onto the water. Before a cold or warm front passes through, the barometric pressure will drop, causing some cloud cover that will to be suitable for your fishing trip.   

No matter the time of the day, month, or year, we at Morning Flight Charters are always ready to get you out onto the water. Book your next fishing trip today either online or by phone at 207-831-2426! 

The Best Clothing for Saltwater Fishing

The best advice anyone can give someone when they first start saltwater fishing is to dress appropriately. The clothing that you wear can protect you from all of the natural elements you will face when you’re out at sea.  

Whether it’s stormy weather or extreme cold, be sure to find the best clothing for saltwater fishing here: The Best Clothing for Saltwater Fishing

Wear lightweight, long-sleeved clothing 

Perhaps the most formidable opponent you will face while fishing is not the water, but the sun. Spending all day in the sun without the proper protection can cause sunburn and even skin cancer. While you can put on sunscreen, it is highly recommended that you also wear long-sleeved clothing to better protect your skin. Just be sure whatever you’re wearing is lightweight so that you don’t overheat. 

Don’t forget sunglasses 

The sun can harm your skin, but it can also harm your eyes. Just as you should cover up your skin, then, it’s also important to cover your eyes. Sunglasses can limit the number of UV rays that reach your eyes, plus they can also protect you from other debris that may be flying around on your fishing trip. 

In cold weather, layer up 

If you’re saltwater fishing in the fall or winter months, then you’ll have to worry about the temperatures and the water more than the sun. Start with a breathable fabric as your first layer that will keep moisture away from your skin. On top of that, have another layer of breathable fabric that is thicker and will keep you warm. Finally, finish it off with a windproof and waterproof layer to best protect you from the elements. 

Now that you’re dressed appropriately, it’s time to get out onto the water. At Morning Flight Charters, we have plenty of fishing trip options for you to choose from. Give us a call or book your trip today! 

Fishing Tips for Each Season

As the seasons change from one to the next, so too does fishing. The techniques you use during the summer, for instance, will not be the same as those in the spring. As such, you need to be prepared for these changes before you head out onto the water: 

Spring fishing Fishing Tips for Each Season

Don’t hop onto your boat on the first 60-degree day and expect a large catch. The water is still pretty cold, and it can take some time for the temperatures to rise enough for the fish to start coming out. It’s recommended that you wait at least a week after the first thaw before you start fishing. Once that day does come, you should head out in the afternoon or early evening, as this is when the water is warmest, and it’s also when the fish are eating.  

Summer fishing 

By summer, the water is sufficiently warm enough for the fish to start biting, but it can also be too warm. The late morning and early afternoon (roughly around noon, when the sun is at its peak) will be the warmest part of the day, and that’s when the fish disappear in search of deeper, cooler waters. It’s best, then, to do your fishing in the early morning or late afternoon/early evening once the temperatures have cooled off. 

Fall fishing 

The temperatures might be dropping off again in fall, but that doesn’t mean you can’t get in some good fishing before the snow starts. While early morning fishing is usually a no-go (as this is when it’s coldest), the rest of the day is all yours. Afternoon and early evening fall fishing is considered one of the best times of the year to fish, so take advantage of this while you can. 

No matter the season, we at Morning Flight Charters are always ready to get you out onto the water. Book your next fishing trip today either online or by phone at 207-831-2426!

How to Choose the Right Fishing Reel

There are four main types of fishing reels: overhead, spinning, baitcaster, and fly reels. Which one you choose will depend on what kind of fish you’re trying to catch, as well as where you’re fishing. After all, each type of fishing reel has its own strengths and weaknesses, and in order to choose the best one, you must learn what you can about the different types.

Overhead reelsHow to Choose the Right Fishing Reel

If you’re heading out onto a boat, you’ll likely be using overhead reels for your fishing rod. This is because they’re designed in a way where no cast is required—all you do is drop the line down and you’re done. Overheads are mainly used to either bait or lure fish, and they can come in a wide variety of sizes depending on the kind of fish you’re trying to catch.

Spinning reels

Spinning reels, or eggbeaters, are one of the most commonly used types of reels. This is because they’re extremely versatile and can be used for a variety of fish and situations. They’re excellent for casting as their spool does not spin.

Baitcasting reels

Baitcasters are extremely similar to overheads. Both sit on top of the rod and are similar in design. Baitcasters, however, are more versatile than overheads, and they also come with a braking system that allows you to adjust the spool’s rotation. These reels can be difficult to manage, though, so they should only be used by master anglers.

Fly reels

Fly reels are single action reels that are specifically designed for fly fishing. They’re extremely simple in design—the reel is essentially just a place to store the line—although they do counterbalance the weight of the rod while casting a line.

Ready to go out onto the water? Then contact Morning Flight Charters today to schedule your next fishing trip.

Beginner Fishing Tips

Fishing is a hobby that we believe everyone should pick up. However, getting started can seem a bit daunting, especially to someone who has never gone out on the water before. Thankfully, fishing is a skill that can be learned, and with the right tools at your disposal, you’ll be a master angler in no time.

Dress appropriatelyBeginner Fishing Tips

Before you head out for your fishing trip, you want to dress appropriately. This means you should ditch the flip flops and shorts for boots and long pants. You may feel a bit hot, but this is necessary to protect yourself from stray hooks, rocks, or other sharp objects that may wash aboard. You should also be wearing a life jacket at all times.


Rigging is incredibly important when it comes to fishing. Why? Because a strong fishing knot will be less likely to break, plus certain knots can help your lure better mimic natural bait. By using the correct fishing knot and lure, your fishing trip will be far more successful than it would have been otherwise.

Swimming your lure

Swimming your lure refers to the action of mimicking how bait actually moves in the water in order to get a fish to bite. To do this, pull up on your rod tip and reel down to gather the slack. This will give the impression that your lure is real, live bait rather than just a lure. Once you’ve mastered this, you can look into other techniques that work better for certain fish.

Know when to change things up

The “tried and true” doesn’t really work in fishing. You won’t be able to find one technique and just stick with it. Instead, you’ll need to change your tactics in order to cast the best fish. You can do this by varying your lures and depths to improve your situation, or to change locations entirely.

At Morning Flight Charters, our guided fishing tours are perfect for beginners and master anglers alike. Give us a call at 207-831-2426 to book your trip today.

How to Safely Catch and Release

When you head out on your next fishing trip, you’re not going to want to bring home every fish that you catch. Some fish may be too big or small, other times you may not have enough room left in your cooler to store them. It’s also better for the environment to release fish you don’t need in order to conserve that specific species. However, catch and release must be done properly in order to ensure the fish’s survival. Here’s how:

Reeling in your catchHow to Safely Catch and Release

When you feel a bite, you’ll want to work quickly to prevent the fish from dying or becoming exhausted. Stay close to your line so that you can set your hook as quickly as possible, preventing the fish from swallowing the bait or hook. Then, avoid playing the fish for too long and try to land it as soon as possible.

Handling your catch

Once you’ve reeled in your catch, avoid taking it out of the water. Removing the fish can cause it to suffocate and it can put it under a great deal of stress. Instead, support the fish in the water with either a landing net or your own hands. If you decide to handle the fish yourself, cradle it gently and don’t squeeze it tightly.

Removing the hook

Time is of the essence here, as the longer you take to remove the hook the more likely you are to hurt the fish. Keeping the fish in the water, use a pair of needle-nosed pliers or other hook removers to quickly remove the hook. If you’re having trouble doing so, leave the hook in and cut the line as close to it as possible.

Releasing your catch

After you remove the hook, don’t let the fish go immediately. Give it some time to recover by holding it underwater in an upright position. Check to see if the gills are opening and closing and then let go.

Ready to go out onto the water? Then contact Morning Flight Charters today to schedule your next fishing trip.

The Top 3 Fishing Apps to Catch More Fish

“There’s an app for that,” people always say. Well, more likely than not, it happens to be true. Practically every part of our lives has an app associated with it, fishing included. In fact, there are hundreds of fishing apps out there, but which ones will truly help you catch more fish and which ones just say they will? Here we go through some of the best fishing apps out there that are proven to help you improve your game:

Fishbrain (Android, iOS: Free)The Top 3 Fishing Apps to Catch More Fish

Fishbrain is a social fishing app that allows you to share your fishing activity, photos, and locations with millions of other users. However, it’s not just for social networking. You can use the locations people share to find new places to fish, as well as their activity to figure where the fish are. Additionally, it also provides a forecast, calendar, and personal fishing log to keep track of your activity. While the app is free, there’s also a premium version that starts at $5.99/month.

Pro Angler (Android, iOS: Free)

While Fishbrain is good for freshwater and saltwater, Pro Angler is aimed towards saltwater anglers only. However, it provides a wealth of information and resources, including more than 15,000 GPS fishing hotspots, radar weather maps, a saltwater species guide, and a list of all federal and state regulations. Similar to Fishbrain, it’s free to download, but it does have a premium version with additional features such as a digital wallet to store documents.

Fishidy (Android, iOS: Free)

Finally, there’s Fishidy. This app provides you with maps to over 17,000 waterways where you can favorite specific sites and log your catches. It also lets you share these sites and catches with other users, providing them with additional information and when and where to find certain species. Again, this app is free to download, but it does have a premium subscription that offers more detailed maps and fishing tips.

With your rod and your phone in-hand, it’s time to go out onto the water and catch some fish. At Morning Flight Charters, we offer all sorts of fishing packages including family fishing, striper fishing, shark fishing, and more. Give us a call at 207-831-2426 to book your trip today.

How to Choose the Right Fishing Rod Material

When you’re in the market for a new fishing rod, one of the questions you’ll need to ask yourself is what kind of material you’re looking for. In general, there are three types of materials fishing rods are made out of: fiberglass, graphite, and composite. Each have their advantages and disadvantages; what matters most is finding out which one is right for you.

FiberglassHow to Choose the Right Fishing Rod Material

Fiberglass fishing rods are extremely flexible and sturdy. They can bend from tip to butt, making them great for baits that require a medium or slow action. They’re a great choice for beginners as they require little maintenance, but keep in mind that their sturdiness and flexibility make them heavier and less sensitive than other fishing rods.


Unlike fiberglass, graphite rods more rigid and thus more sensitive. Given this, they’re a favorite among advanced fishers who want the fighting power and sensitivity to bites that graphite provides. They’re also lighter than fiberglass, so they’ll be easier to manage during a long day of fishing. However, their rigidness also makes them more brittle, meaning you’ll likely need to perform routine maintenance on them.


Composite fishing rods aren’t as widely used as fiberglass or graphite, but they’re still a good choice for some fishers out there. Composite rods are a hybrid of fiberglass and graphite; they have a fiberglass core and a graphite shell. This combination makes them a good “in-between” option—that is, they’re more sensitive than fiberglass rods, but they’re not as rigid as graphite.

Once you’ve decided on the best rod for your needs, it’s time to test it out on the water. At Morning Flight Charters, we have plenty of fishing trip options for you to choose from. Give us a call or book your trip today!