How to Choose Your Fishing Lure

Whether you’re fishing out at sea or by the coast, choosing the right lure will determine how good of a catch you reel in. If you’re new to fishing, however, you may not know how to choose the best lure for your fishing trip. While a lot of it depends on preference, there are plenty of ways to narrow down your choices:

Match the lure to the speciesHow to Choose Your Fishing Lure

Different lures work best for different species, so determine which species your fishing for and chose your lure based on that. A general rule of thumb is to choose a lure that’s a similar size as the prey of the fish you’re planning to catch.

Match the colors

Just as the size of the lure should match the pretty, the color of the lure should match as well. Greenish hues are, generally, a good place to start, along with other natural colors. You can also match the color of the lure to the color of the water for similar effects.

Use vibrating lures in discolored or muddy waters

If the water is discolored or muddy, it can be difficult for the fish to see the lures. As such, you should opt for a lure that can make vibrations in order to make it more obvious to the fish.

Take the temperature

The temperature of the water matters a great deal when choosing your lures. If you’re fishing in cold water, opt for slow-moving bait; conversely, if you’re fishing in warm water, opt for fast-moving bait.

Once you’ve considered all of these factors, you’ll likely have a handful of lures left for you to choose from. At that point, it’s entirely about personal preference, so experiment with each one to see which you prefer. If you’re still unsure of which lure is right for you, or if you’re ready to set out onto the water, then contact Morning Flight Charters for any of your fishing needs.

Fishing Safety Tips

Fishing Safety Tips

Fishing is one of our greatest pastimes. However, as much fun as going out on the water may seem, it’s not all fun and games. If not properly prepared, you or your family could wind up in a serious accident. So before you plan on going out for your next fishing trip, make sure you take these safety precautions:

Bring plenty of safety gear

You never know what might happen while you’re out fishing, so it’s best to always be prepared for the worst-case scenario. Get a duffle bag and fill it with all of the necessary essentials, such as:

  • A first aid kit
  • Life jackets
  • Sunscreen
  • Insect Repellant
  • Aspirin or other medications
  • Sunburn cream
  • Rain gear/ponchos
  • Binoculars
  • Flashlight
  • Radio

Dress appropriately

In order to protect yourself from the elements, you should dress for the elements. This means that you should be wearing boots or sneakers, not sandals, to protect your feet against stray hooks, rocks, and other sharp objects that could wash aboard. Hats and sunglasses are also a must in order to protect your skin and eyes from the harmful affects of UV rays. Finally, always make sure that you, and especially your children, are wearing their life jackets.

Keep an eye on the weather

Using your weather app will help you determine the general weather for the day, but they’re not always right. Weather can change in an instant, especially here in Maine, so always keep one eye to the sky during your fishing trip. Some things to look out for are dark clouds on the horizon, choppy waters, and high winds.

At Morning Flight Charters, the safety of our passengers is extremely important to us. If you have more questions about how you should prepare for your fishing trip, then, don’t hesitate to call us at 207-831-2426. Or if you’re interested in booking a fishing trip, reserve your spot today!

How to Prepare for Your Family Fishing Trip

Summer is a great time to go out fishing with your family. But before you pack the spouse and kids into the car, make sure that you’re well-prepared with these family fishing trip tips:

Timing is everythingHow to Prepare for Your Family Fishing Trip

The day and time you go will truly determine how well of a trip this turns out to be. Keep an eye on the weather days in advance to make sure you go on a clear and comfortable day. You should also avoid morning trips, and opt for going out on the water later in the day, such as mid-morning or afternoon. Just be careful not to spend too long out there, and always keep an eye on the kids to see how energized or tired they are.

Get the right gear for your kids

Needless to say, your kids can’t use the same gear that you do, so be sure to invest in some kid fishing rods, reel, and kid-friendly lures to make it easier for them when they go out on the water. Also make sure that you have plenty of safety equipment such as child-size life jackets for your children to use.

Bring plenty of food and drinks

Let’s face it, kids love food, and it won’t be a great day if you let them go hungry. So be sure to bring a cooler full of snacks and drinks that they can have throughout the trip. Even better, pack a full lunch or dinner to have once you return to shore that includes sandwiches, salads, and other foodstuffs.

Sign up for a youth fishing program

If you’re unsure of when or where to take your family out fishing, you can always sign up for a youth fishing program. At Morning Flight Charters, our youth programs are designed specifically for parents and children to spend some quality time together. These last for three hours and can be customized depending on your family’s fishing expertise.

Deep Sea Fishing Tips and Tricks

There’s nothing like the thrill of the catch. With deep sea fishing, you’re reeling in some of the biggest, toughest game there is—sharks, tuna, marlin, swordfish, and more. But in order for your deep sea fishing trip to be a success, there are some things you should know:

Be aware of your surroundingsDeep Sea Fishing Tips and Tricks

This should be the case anytime you go out on the water, but it’s especially true with deep sea fishing. You’re far out from the coast, so watch out for the current, weather, and any other boats/fishermen. However, this isn’t just a safety precaution; keeping an eye out for certain signs will help you bring home a better catch. For example, if you notice a group of birds feasting on small fish, that’s usually a sign that there are bigger fish below.

For tuna, follow the dolphins

Another sign to watch out for when fishing for tuna are dolphins. Tuna and dolphins usually school together, so if you see one, the other is likely nearby. However, make sure that you’re actually reeling in tuna and not a dolphin by clearly understanding the differences between each species.

Fish near a reef

Reefs attract small fish, who then attract big fish. That’s why reefs are one of the best places for deep sea fishing. So if you want to reel in a big catch (both in size and quantity), you should go and find a reef first.

Fish with an expert

As with all things, listen to the experts, as they know best. An expert angler will be familiar enough with the waters to know where the fish will be and what to watch out for. Especially if this is your first time deep sea fishing, having an expert on board your ship will make sure you’re safe and that you reel in some great game.

Thinking about going on a deep sea fishing trip? If so, contact Morning Flight Charters. We operate just off the Maine Coast, and can create a guided fishing trip just for you. Make a reservation or call us at 207-831-2426 to learn more.

Three Essential Shark Fishing Tips

Maine Shark Fishing CharterWhether you’re a shark fishing newbie or just need a refresher, check out our essential shark fishing tips:

Know what to look for

Learn to spot signs that a shark might be in the area. For example, if birds that have been sitting on the water suddenly take flight, they might be trying to escape a shark. The same goes for bluefish—if bluefish that have been hanging out in the slick suddenly vanish, there’s probably a shark nearby. Other signs include disturbances or changes in the surface waters.

Use proper technique

Use a chum line to bring sharks near the boat. If a shark takes the bait, wait five to 10 seconds. Then, reel the line tightly and tug firmly once or twice to set the hook. Pull strongly, since you’re trying to penetrate the shark’s thick, tough jaw. Before you pull the shark onboard, remove all items from the landing area, and keep the shark away from the boat’s motors.

Use common sense

Congratulations! You’ve caught a shark. Now, no matter what, keep your fingers away from the shark’s mouth. Even a small twitch from the shark can cause injury.

Curious about shark fishing? Book your experience today with Morning Flight Charters . From June to October, we offer eight-hour and ten-hour shark fishing excursions off the coast of Maine that give you the chance to fish for four major shark species, including blue sharks, thresher sharks, porbeagle and the famous acrobatic mako shark. All bait, gear and tackle are provided on our shark fishing trips. Get ready for an unforgettable experience!


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